Antimicrobial Efficacy Testing
Linq Labs has the ability to perform detailed in vitro studies with a wide variety of cell lines, primary as well as secondary cultures, including mini organelles, as well as creation of 3D cultures for diagnostic as well as non-bio-device purposes

Linq Labs provides a comprehensive range of antimicrobial efficacy testing for a range of products such as cosmetics and healthcare products
We provide end to end testing services which include protocol development, IRB/ Ethics committee clearance (if applicable, study conduct which may include recruitment of subjects, data collection and analysis and report generation. Linq Labs has a database of several thousand active healthy volunteers
Testing is done on wide range of microorganisms which include all kinds of aerobic and anerobic organisms
Linq Labs has successfully completed 100+ studies in antimicrobial hand wash for a US sponsor
Our testing services includes the following but not limited to: